Welcome to Theconnectly. By using our website, you agree to the following terms. If you don’t agree, please don’t use our site.

1. Accepting the Terms
When you use our website, you accept these rules.

2. Changes to the Terms
We can change these terms anytime. If we do, we’ll let you know, and your continued use means you accept the new terms.

3. Your Responsibilities
You are responsible for what you do on our website. Follow all laws and don’t misuse our site.

4. Our Content
All content on this site (like text, images, and logos) belongs to us. Don’t use it without permission.

5. Limitations of Liability
We’re not responsible for any issues or damages that come from using our website.

6. Indemnification
If you cause any problems or get us into trouble, you agree to take responsibility and cover our costs.

7. Governing Law
These terms are governed by the laws of US.

According to The United States Legal Compliance

You are not allowed to our website if you are in an embargoed country.
You are not allowed to our website if you are located in a country that supports terrorism.
You are not allowed on our website. If you post anything on our website which is against the rule of the government.


8. Contact Us
If you have questions about these terms, please reach out to us at theconnectlysite@gmail.com